In the event of a DWI accident in San Antonio you may be facing numerous legal problems, the last thing on your mind may be auto insurance. While it may not be the most pressing legal issue, you could face significant problems related to your insurance. The Law Offices of Jesse Hernandez can help you through your DWI legal case.
I Was Charged in a DWI Accident in San Antonio, How Will My Insurance Change?
If you are charged with a DWI accident, you should immediately contact a trusted DWI lawyer to help you with your case. Every case is different, so while there is no concrete process to determine what will happen with your insurance, it will change dramatically. It is possible that you may lose your car insurance completely. Other carriers may change your premium to much higher premiums, and it is likely you will be required to file for SR-22 or another high-risk insurance form.
What is SR-22
After a DWI accident in San Antonio, you may have the option to apply for SR-22, or high-risk auto insurance. While each insurance company is different, this form of high-risk insurance can cost you significantly more than your previous insurer.
When Will My Insurance Go Back To Normal?
Each case is different and while there is no set timeline for insurance returning to normal, many people will not be required to have the SR-22 insurance after three to five years. Typically a DWI will stay on your record for seven years and while you may not be required to have SR-22 insurance through that entire time, you will likely have a much more expensive insurance plan due to your DWI accident in San Antonio.
Contact Law Offices of Jesse Hernandez with assistance in your DWI case in San Antonio we can support you through the legal process.