Roughly 10 percent of all highway fatalities are caused by drunk drivers. While DWIs are something everyone should avoid, it’s important to spot the myths from the facts when discussing them. Our DWI attorney in San Antonio.
Myth: One drink can greatly increase your likelihood of being in a car accident.
Fact: Drivers with low blood alcohol content are no more likely to be in a car accident than those who have had nothing to drink at all.
Myth: BAC is a good indicator of if you are an impaired driver.
Fact: Did you know that people who regularly consume alcohol are less impaired at a given BAC? If you drink infrequently, that’s when BAC will indicate the impairment.
Myth: Breathalyzers are a reliable and consistent indicator of BAC and therefore driver impairment.
Fact: Breath alcohol content is inconsistent as a measure of BAC from person to person depending on the specific situation. Actual impairment levels vary between individuals and are affected by the factors at that exact moment.
Myth: Lowering the legal BAC limit for a DWI will help remove any “drunk drivers.”
Fact: People who have a BAC of .1 or .08 are not necessarily “drunks.” They shouldn’t be targeted for DWI enforcement as the average DWI violator is arrested with a BAC of .15 to .17. No matter what the low legal BAC limit is, many people who are arrested have a BAC of at least .15.
If you recently received a DWI, contact the DWI attorney in San Antonio to make sure you are fairly represented.