Domestic violence is a serious crime that should not be taken lightly. The Law Office of Jesse Hernandez has dealt with personal injury in San Antonio, TX, and cares about the well-being of their clients. It’s important to recognize what domestic violence is and understand that help is always available.
What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence, or abuse, is a pattern of violent or coercive behavior that a person uses to gain power and control over an intimate partner. There are multiple types of abuse like physical, emotional, sexual, and even economical.
The Types
- Physical: This type of abuse involves any type of intentional and unwanted contact with your body. When pain is intentionally inflicted onto a victim who did not ask for it, it’s considered physical abuse.
- Emotional: Emotional abuse is the most common form of control that can exist in a relationship even without physical violence. When someone is put-down, called something derogatory, or receives insults to their intelligence, it’s emotional abuse. Other examples can include isolation from family members and breaking someone’s self-esteem.
- Sexual: Sexual abuse is unwanted sexual activity through force, where most of the victims of sexual abuse know who their abuser is.
- Economic: When someone controls their intimate partner’s access to financial means, it means that the victim has limited resources if they were to leave the relationship. This person can withhold access to employment, education, and more, putting a hindrance on the victims well-being.
Contact the Law Office Of Jesse Hernandez
If you’re a domestic violence victim and are suffering from personal injury in San Antonio TX, please reach out to us today. At the Law Office Of Jesse Hernandez, our experienced and dedicated San Antonio criminal defense lawyer is well-versed in the obstacles the accused face when charged with domestic assault. That is why we pride ourselves on providing aggressive counsel that makes our clients’ rights and interests an absolute priority throughout every stage of their case.