Ways to Tell if You’re Too Drunk to Drive

Ways to Tell if You’re Too Drunk to Drive

Drinking and driving has enormous consequences. Not only are you putting your safety at risk when you get behind the wheel drunk, but you’re risking the lives of others on the road. Sometimes, it might be a little hard to tell if you’re a little too tipsy to drive home or not. Follow these tips and tricks to determine if driving home is a smart idea.

Mobile Breathalyzer

You can purchase a mobile breathalyzer to take with you when drinking or to leave in your car. There are many options of breathalyzers you can purchase, from slightly more expensive ones to cheaper disposable ones. While they’re not always as accurate as the ones police officers would use, they can still give you a good sense of where your BAC is at. Remember that 0.08% is the legal BAC for driving, so if it’s near or above that, you should not be behind the wheel.

Use an App

Use modern technology to your advantage- there are even apps that can be used to estimate your BAC when you input information such as age, gender, size, and how many alcoholic drinks you consumed and at what pace. While this is again not entirely accurate, it could provide you with some insight on where your BAC level most likely is. There are even devices you can plug into your phone that combine the accuracy of a breathalyzer with the convenience of an app.

Complete a Field Sobriety Test

A field sobriety test is a test that a police officer has you complete to determine your level of soberness or drunkenness. Some of these include walking in a straight line, counting backwards, or touching your finger to your nose without opening your eyes. You can have a friend watch you and tell you if you seem off balance or are having a hard time completing these easy tasks.

Air on the Side of Caution

When in doubt, always use your common sense and air on the side of caution. It’s never worth risking your own life, someone else’s life, and your freedoms to get behind the wheel of a car. Chances are, if you feel the need to breathalyze yourself and perform multiple measures before driving, you think you’re too drunk to drive. These tests should be used as an occasional measure to confirm that you’re safe to drive if you’re feeling safe, but especially since your judgement is impaired when you’re intoxicated, it’s best to always play it safe.

Contact Us Today

If you recently found yourself in a drinking and driving situation and were charged with a DUI or DWI, the Law Office of Jesse Hernandez is here to help. While we encourage you to make smart choices and never get behind the wheel of a car if you’re second guessing yourself, we understand that those situations do still happen, and we will always fight for your rights and your freedoms. For a DWI defense attorney in San Antonio that is experienced, aggressive, and convincing in court, reach out today for your free case evaluation.

San Antonio Office: 3107 Broadway Street, San Antonio, Texas 78209. (210) 807-8656.
Austin Office: 2025 Guadalupe Street Suite 260, Austin, Texas 78705. (512) 982-4798.

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Houston Law Office
of Jesse Hernandez


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Austin Law Office
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2025 Guadalupe Street, Suite 260, Austin, TX 78705

San Antonio - Wurzbach Office
of Jesse Hernandez


Hours: Open 24 Hours

8746 Wurzbach Rd, Suite 202, San Antonio, TX 78229