If you end up needing to register as a sex offender, it’s important to be prepared by knowing the steps and conditions of being registered.
Being registered as a sex offender means you comitted and were found guilty of a sex-related crime, and the list is accessable to the public. If you are supposed to register and fail to do so, this is considered a felony. In Texas, registered offenders lose many rights that vary depending on the crime, including encountering restrictions in travel, having trouble securing career opportunities, being in contact with minors, being barred from places where children frequent, and more.
What Type of Information is on the Registry?
Individuals on the registry are put into one of three categories: low risk, meaning they are unlikely to commit a sex crime, moderate risk, meaning they may continue committing sex crimes, and high risk, meaning they pose an immediate threat of committing a sex crime. Basic information of the offender is listed on the registry, including physical description, age, address, why they were put on the registry, and identifying pictures. However, personal identifying information such as social security number, cell number, or address of their employer is prohibited.
How Long do I Stay on the Registry For?
The severity of the sex crime determines how long you will stay on the registry for. Some offenses require being on the registry for the rest of your life, including crimes such as sexual abuse of a child, aggravated assault, child pornography charges, incest, or human trafficking. Other offenses require ten years of registration, such as beasteality or soliciting a minor online.
How do I Register?
Offenders have to take it upon themselves to register, as law enforcement or the court will not do it for them. You must send specific information and photos to police to register. You also must re-register if you move, and re-verify your status as a sex offender either every 90 or once a year, depending on your offense or offenses.
Is There a Way to Get off the Registry Early?
There is the possibility of being let off the list earlier than your original conviction. This is done through the process of individual risk assessment, which involves the state assessing your criminal record and deciding if you pose a high risk of committing a sexual crime again. Hiring skilled sexual assault lawyers in San Antonio will help you in putting together a case to avoid having to remain registered. Call us today to speak to our skilled team if you need legal guidance in being convicted of a sex crime.